High-end clothing brands put a lot of effort into their product packaging design. It’s not only good for brand recognition, they know that good packaging increases the customer’s excitement about their product. That excitement gets associated with the brand and the customer is more likely to purchase from the same brand again to replicate that feeling.
If you’re starting out, most custom package design may not be realistic but that doesn’t mean you should disregard it entirely. There are alternative methods of product packaging that are more budget-friendly. Here are some creative ways you could wrap your apparel and use product labels instead.
Tissue Paper Packaging Design
Wrapping sold clothing in tissue is very common, but you can spice it up by ordering custom tissue paper with your brand name or logo design. If you really want to stand out, consider putting labels with messages, images, or jokes that reflect your brand and speak to your consumer.

Use Craft Paper or Butcher Paper for Packaging Design
There’s a reason why Brown paper packages tied up with string are in the song “My Favourite Things”. Labelling a product this way just feels special! It’s like unwrapping a present you got for yourself. Fortunately, custom printed butcher paper is common for speciality food shops so there are printing companies who will sell you a roll with your own logo or designs printed on it. You can complete the look by wrapping it in twine, tieing a label or tag to it, or leave it as is.
The benefits to Butcher paper over tissue is it’s sturdier. If you’re worried about your product being damaged you should choose to package your product in this over the tissue paper. It also gives your package a more masculine feel, if you primarily cater to men or want to give your brand a tougher demeanour use butcher paper.

Use Custom Packaging Tape
If you’re running a primary e-commerce business you already need to buy packing tape. Why not kill 2 birds with one stone and create a product labelled at the same time? Using stylized package tape is another way to create customer excitement when they see your package at their door (think Amazon packages at your door with their holiday package labels). It’s a simple and budget-friendly solution to putting your brand on the shipping experience.

Use a Sleeve Great Packaging Design & Branding
One of the advantages of Product Packaging is that you get more surface area on something like a box package to describe your product, explain how to use it, sell your brand, etc.
If you need this surface space but can’t afford Product Packaging consider using a sleeve instead.
Paper sleeves can be wrapped around your product for security but also provide ample space for whatever content you’d like your customers to read. It’s also a more sustainable package label then creating individual boxes.

Fill-in Product Labels
If you think you need different product labels to specify things like colour, batch number, size, etc. think again! A more budget-friendly solution is to design 1 label or sticker with the specifications you need and a blank space to fill in. This way you only need to order 1 design, which will cut down the cost.
If done well this can also be a more stylish solution. Handwritten details on the label make a product feel more curated and specific to them. Consider Santal 33 Cologne. The label gives details like “Compounded In:” and “Made For:”. These details make the product feel so much more special

Why choose Us for Your Product Packaging Design & Custom Boxes and Branding?
BRANDING IS WHAT WE DO™ is a local Denver, Colorado graphic design firm that specializes in Logo Design, Branding, Creative Marketing Design Materials, Custom Product Packaging Design, and Graphic Design for all media types such as digital, print, large format Out-of-Home Advertising Design, and more. Contact us to schedule an in-person meeting with us at our Downtown office located at the Tabor Center at 1200 17th Street.